IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression in JavaScript)

1 min readApr 17, 2024


#4 JavaScript Series

It is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined. It’s a design pattern also known as a self-executing anonymous function.

Here’s an example:

function () {

You can also assign it to a variable for later use.

- Avoids hoisting issues.
- Prevents global namespace pollution.
- Useful for creating modules.

@ Guess the Output

function (x) {
return (function(y){
Output: 3

The outermost parentheses are used to wrap the entire function expression. This is a common practice to ensure the function is treated as an expression and not a declaration.

The outer function is immediately invoked with the argument 1. So, x inside the function becomes 1.

Inside the outer function, there's another immediately invoked function expression (function(y) { console.log(x + y); })(2). This inner function is immediately invoked with the argument 2.

Inside the inner function, y becomes 2. Then it calculates x + y, where x is from the outer function and y is from the inner function. So, x + y becomes 1 + 2, which is 3.

Finally, console.log(x + y) prints 3.




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